
Monday, January 3, 2011

Design Wall Monday January 3rd, 2011

Happy New Year!
On my design wall today are some of the blocks for my Kim Diehl wallhanging "Feathered Stars" I still have to baste the center block. It will be nice to get back to doing some applique after the simple nap quilts for my grandkids. I'll show them when the machine quilting gets finished.
I have several UFO's I definitely want to finish this year, this quilt being one of them. Over the next week I will update the blog to show my projects and progress. I would like to have a separate page for each so you can click on the project and see my progress or lack of! 
 I do hope to accomplish a lot more than I did last year, including finishing Ian's Trail to Eagle quilt.
 Be sure to check out everyone's design walls over at Judy's blog, thats where I'll be when I'm not in the sewing room.


Kathie said...

Absolutely wonderful. I don't applique but I sure admire it.

Jo said...

I have SO wanted to make this quilt but I still have yet to find a method for applique that I find relaxing. Someday.

Quilter Kathy said...

This is a wonderful project and your version is beautiful! I really like the pieced border in the pattern. Look forward to following your progress.

Kate said...

Beautiful quilt! I dont' applique, but certainly admire it in other's work. Good luck on meeting your UFO goals for this year.

Chris said...

I love the colors you chose for this quilt. It is just wonderful.

Cathy said...

That is lovely! Keep going, it sure deserves to be finished, and you will feel so good when it is.

Pat said...

Great quilt. I have the top completed and waiting for my time with the long arm quilter. You are doing a great job.

AnnieO said...

Very nice! What a wonderful project to work on--must be such a pleasure to hold all those fabrics in your hands.

Alycia said...

Beautiful. Good luck getting to all your UFO's - that will be fun to watch!