This is a photo of the willow that stands at the edge of the bank at our (in laws) cottage at Lake Ontario. It provides the only shade. The lake carves out the base of the bank every winter causing six to twelve inches of lawn to slide down the hill. Some spring soon the willow is going to lose the battle and fall over. No more shady spot.
This is the edited picture. I used the cutout effect under the artistic tab in Photoshop Elements 6. If you click on the picture so you can see it larger you will notice how it simplified the picture into shapes and lines. I could see using this to create a wall quilt using raw edge applique.

Time to get back to my homework. I am taking a Quilt Whisperer class from Carla Barrett . Fun and challenging. If you quilt your own quilts and want to learn how to come up with better quilting designs this class is for you!
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