
Monday, June 7, 2010

Design Wall Monday

I started this basket wallhanging to use up some of my smaller fabric pieces. There will be scrappy flying geese sashing, but I'm not sure what I am doing with the border yet. Not too sure about the pink basket, it doesn't have enough contrast.
I plan on cutting out some of the flying geese sashing today while I watch for the mail carrier. I sure hope he brings my Electric Quilt 7!


Donita Q said...

This is just beautifyl. I like the flying geese. I think the pink basket looks fine.

Quilter Kathy said...

That was fun to see the blocks in progress and the EQ plan!

Sarah Vanderburgh said...

This is going to turn out beautifully. I think you can still use that pink basket - just put your brightest half triangles near it to make the pink pop! Good luck. I love basket blocks -how big is this one?

Holly said...

I do like the pink basket,I think Sarah is right about using a bright color near the block to make it pop out.
The basket blocks are 12 inches.

Sue H said...

Your baskets are lovely, and it will be fun to see them with the sashing. My EQ7 came today! Woo-hoo! And thanks for stopping by my blog today too.

Melinda said...

I like the pink basket but agree that it doesn't have enough contrast. You would probably be happier if you remake it.

Glen QuiltSwissy said...

Pink guy looks just fine.
