
Saturday, January 16, 2010

Slower than molasses in January

Judy is having a quiltathon this weekend and I sure hope I make more progress tomorrow than I have today. It is already 4:30 pm and time to start dinner and this is as far as I have got. While my sauce is cooking I should finish the last curved geese. I may cut out applique pieces for the  center and the background square before I call it quits for the night.

I have a ways to go. I just noticed I forgot to reverse my pattern and my geese are flying in the wrong direction!


Barb in Mi said...

It's beautiful, no matter the direction of the flying geese!

Vivian said...

Wow! What a beautiful pattern! What you have completed so far is beautiful. Does it matter what directions the geese are flying?

Ida from Central PA said...

OMG! Holly!!! OMG!!!!!! I absolutely love your quilt? Would you be willing to share your EQ project? I'd be willing to send a fair donation in return.

I'm the Mom of an Eagle Scout, and if you're at all into Scouting, you'll understand when I say that I'm the District Commissioner, and a Wood Badge Beaver, and serve on staff at the Merit Badge Midway at Jambo .... (a scout is Honest).

I absolutely love this....

Ida (from ... and fellow Judy L. follower)

P.S. If you want to see some of my work ... google "JVC_Scout_Mom" :)

Anonymous said...

That's going to be beautiful!

Amy said...

One word:


That is quite the undertaking and will be worth ALL the time and effort once complete.

Sheila said...

That's going to be a gorgeous quilt! Congrats to your son.

Gail said...

No, your geese are flying just as they should, they aren't going south for the winter, they're headed back north for the summer! It looks great-don't get discouraged because you feel you are making slow progress. Any amount of time is worth turning out something that looks as good as that does!

tirane93 said...

oh no, you're geese aren't flying the wrong direction, they're flying a DIFFERENT direction! :)

Quiltgranny said...

Now, how do you know that the geese in the pattern are the ones going in the wrong direction? Maybe they are in a different hemisphere? LOL! This will be stunning when you are done!

Anonymous said...

Sshh! Don't tell anyone about the geese and no one will know. That's going to be a great quilt when it's finished.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

I think it looks nice. And very difficult!

Holly said...

Wow! Thanks everyone.

Karen said...

This is a gorgeous design. I like the curved flying geese design. And the flying geese curvy border.

Anonymous said...

Where I live you wouldn't be able to keep up with the molasses in January!
Stunning quilt, which ever hemisphere you are in, and water goes down the plug hole in the opposite direction down here so they must be the Geese from Down Under!
Judy B