I just received two of Karen McTavish's books The Secrets of Elemental Quilting and Mastering the Art of McTavishing and watched the DVD's last night.I think I like DVDs. Karen shows how she marks and demonstrates McTavishing on the long arm. She also interviews a hand quilter and a domestic machine quilter.The Secrets of Elemental Quilting is about choosing designs and placement for trapunto and whole cloth quilts.I enjoyed both and will use some of the techniques. Definitely worth the money.
After ChristmasI think I'll order some DVDs from Patsy Thompson Designs . Has anyone watched her DVDs?
I have almost finished machine quilting the center on my Molly's Meadow quilt by Kim Diehl . I am using Bottom Line thread in the bobbin and in the top and the new Titanium coated needles from Superior Threads. Sweet! One of these days I'll tell you about my struggles with my 25 year old Singer!
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